General Instructions
After Filling
- Do not consume food or liquids for 45 mins. After procedure.
- Do not eat hard/ sticky food and food that can cause discolouration (eg. Turmeric) for 24 hours.
- Tooth will turn black after SDF Treatment.
After Extraction
- Cotton to be removed after 1/2 hr.
- Do not consume Carbonated Drinks, Hot Beverages after procedure, avoid using straw – 24 hours.
- Do not spit for 24 hours.
- In case of excessive bleeding, place the cotton and apply pressure at the extraction site, call the dentist immediately.
Conscious Sedation
Pre – op Instructions
- Do not consume heavy food 8 hrs. before procedure ( Milk, Shakes, Paratha )
- Inform the doctor if child develops fever, cold or cough before procedure.
- Clear fluids (Fresh Fruits Juice, Water ) can be consumed 2 hrs before procedure 2 hrs complete fasting to be maintained prior to the procedure
Post – op Instructions
- Start with tiny sips of water, if pt does not have nausea, then clear fluids may be introduced.
- Do not plan any strenuous activity on the day of procedure.